Startup Space Plans

Economic Impact Catalyst’s proprietary SaaS platform, Startup Space, delivers flexible management tools, a community platform, and managed services for the economic development industry to drive entrepreneurship. Explore which option is right for you.

Basic Plan

Includes all standard tools and features with a limited service plan for smaller budgets.

Service Plan

12 hours initial onboarding support.
1 hour/mo ongoing administrative support. Limited customization.

    Essential Plan*

    Includes single community hub, platform tools, ecosystem mapping and unlimited users and resources.

      Service Plan

      24 hours initial onboarding support.
      4 hours/mo ongoing administrative support. Full customization and branding.

        Enterprise Plan

        Includes multiple community hubs each with platform tools and ecosystem mapping, unlimited users and resources.

          Service Plan

          Up to 120 hours/mo onboarding and ongoing administrative support. Customization, branding, custom tools.

            Standard tools and features:


            • Entrepreneurial ecosystem mapping tools
            • Resource Compass portal with searchable digital resource guide for the community
            • Dynamic tagging for highly relevant search results and resource referrals
            • Customized branding
            • Seamless integration with external websites and platforms
            • Engagement analytics


            • Designed for entrepreneurship program management
            • Participant CRM
            • Administrator seats with role-based permissions
            • Survey tools 
            • Analytics dashboards and reports

              Essential features: 

              COMMUNITY PORTAL

              • Single customized hub to connect member to other members, resources, information, events, jobs and more
              • Mobile-friendly and mobile app 

              All standard community portal features, including:

              • Free Member Profile 
              • Connect Now
              • Resource Compass
              • Knowledge Center
              • Webinars
              • Events
              • Stories
              • Job Board
              • Surveys


              • Backend tools to manage relationships, resources, education programs, mentorship, technical assistance, grants

              DATA ANALYTICS

              • Data analytics and dynamic reports with import/export


              • Ability to integrate with third party systems to streamline workflows and reporting


              • Full development of new website with Startup Space embeds, additional one-time $15,000 fee

              Essential features plus:


              • Extra administrative and strategic planning support

              + ECOSYSTEM MAPPING

              • Mapping and gap analysis included

              + MULTIPLE HUBS/SPOKES

              • Support multiple hubs defined by region or industry 


              • Hubs and portals, including website skins and platform features
              • Custom impact reports, analytics
              • Platform tools

                ALL PLANS INCLUDE ACCESS TO:  ✔ Remote Helpdesk    ✔ Tech Support      ✔ 1:1 Technical Support  

                SERVICE PLANS COVER: Data Entry, Content Management, Training, Onboarding and Strategic Planning

                SOFTWARE-AS-A-SERVICE DELIVERY: Centrally-hosted and maintained on a secure platform with continuous upgrades.

                Standalone Toolkits

                Single Program Modules

                Looking for a simplified version of Startup Space to manage select programs? Get standalone program modules for up to 10 participant seats and up to 4 staff/admin seats at a time.

                Choose Toolkit Modules:

                ● Mentorship
                ● Technical Assistance
                ● Entrepreneurship Education/Accelerator
                ● Grant Program


                • Program management toolkit
                • Data analytics
                • Data analytics
                • Tech support and helpdesk

                Market Research

                Delivering data and research-based insights to guide initiatives, investments, and policies driving entrepreneurship.

                Practice Areas

                Small Business Surveys | Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Mapping
                Resource Analysis | Industry Mapping

                Understand Small Businesses and Startups

                ● Surveys with customized data such as industry, stage, jobs, capital accessed
                ● Founder/small business owner demographics
                ● Supplier diversity, equity and inclusion
                ● Cross-sectional analysis of small business needs

                Map the Resource Ecosystem

                • Ecosystem mapping by region or industry
                • Resource gap analysis
                • Recommended interventions
                CONTACT OUR SALES TEAM

                Explore how Startup Space can work for you.

                110 economic development entities built community and program management platforms through a partnership with us.

                Let’s talk.

                ● Flexible plans that work for any size organization and market
                ● Enterprise-grade security, privacy, and scalability
                ● Access to experts to customize your hub and user experience
                ● Real-time dashboards and reports to track and measure impact