Starting A Business? Let Your Local Community Help You

If you have started a business before, you know that it can be quite difficult at first to adjust to the life of a startup, it is filled with uncertainty and relies heavily on serendipity. As a Startup, you have already mentally prepared yourself for those lonely days with highs and lows.

But what if it does not have to be that miserable as it sounds? Well, with the Startup Space App it doesn’t have to be so. At Economic Impact Catalyst, we are fellow entrepreneurs who wanted to change the equation for startups. We want to bring community back into the picture when it comes to starting a business. It truly does take a village these days to start a business. We have launched a platform where startups can come and talk to each other about the challenges they are facing. This is not just about funding and we intend to keep it that way. Funding is important but funding is not the litmus test for whether a business will succeed or fail.

It is about prototyping, about customer acquisition, growth strategy, marketing plan and so much more. Our experts and small business consultants volunteer their knowledge and time to help startups in the their local communities.

So what are you waiting for. Download the Startup Space App today and join the conversation on the world’s #1 platform for Startups and Entrepreneurs.

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