In today’s digital age, technology has become a driving force behind economic growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship. It’s essential for entrepreneurs and advocates within the entrepreneurial ecosystem to understand the impact of technology on entrepreneurship-led economic development (ELED) as the tech industry continues to advance. New technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are influencing the world of entrepreneurship by changing the way businesses operate and providing new opportunities for entrepreneurs through optimization, automation, audience reach and more.

Technology has revolutionized entrepreneurship in numerous ways. Tech has advanced business operations and made it easier for entrepreneurs to start and run businesses. Today, when one thinks of “storing files,” it is increasingly less likely that his or her mind will conjure an image of a manila folder in a filing cabinet. Tools such as cloud computing, social media, and e-commerce platforms have significantly reduced the barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and their ability to more quickly and efficiently scale. They can now access global markets, reach customers more easily, and streamline their operations.

Entrepreneurs are able to innovate and create new products and services through the use of optimized technology. Through advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning, entrepreneurs can better understand their customers’ needs and preferences and develop tailored solutions. Technology has also helped generate methods that help entrepreneurs to scale their businesses more quickly and efficiently. Platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Crowdfunder have allowed entrepreneurs to sustainably raise capital and reach a wider audience, and cloud-based tools have empowered them to expand their businesses without the need for costly infrastructure investments. These kinds of platforms have certainly placed convenience at the forefront. How likely is someone to donate to a cause or startup when it’s as easy as one simple click? (Answer: very likely!)

New Technologies That Influence Entrepreneurship

Tech like the IoT, blockchain, and AI have a significant impact on the world of entrepreneurship because they enable entrepreneurs to create innovative products and services that disrupt traditional industries, improve efficiency, and create new economic opportunities. For example, companies like Instacart, Shipt, and Amazon Fresh have disrupted the traditional grocery shopping experience by offering convenient and efficient delivery services in a time when convenience is becoming a commodity. When people can skip a tedious trip to the grocery store after work, they can head right home to unwind, recharge, and spend more time with friends and family. The weight of feeling like you’ve forgotten something is no longer quite so heavy.

By leveraging these technologies, entrepreneurs can develop solutions that are more secure, transparent, and accessible than traditional options. These technologies provide entrepreneurs with real-time data and insights that enable them to make better decisions and optimize their operations. Economic development organizations (EDOs) that support these technologies can assist in ELED efforts to create a thriving ecosystem, driving innovation and economic growth.

Artificial intelligence

AI is a rapidly advancing technology that has the potential to transform entrepreneurial ventures and catalyze entrepreneurship-led economic development efforts. AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, and decision-making.

For entrepreneurs, AI presents numerous opportunities for innovation and productivity, which are leading factors that contribute to economic growth. For instance, AI-powered chatbots can be used to automate customer service, while machine learning algorithms can be used to optimize marketing campaigns and improve product recommendations, allowing more focus on developing exciting new products. AI also has the potential to transform industries by creating new business models and improving efficiency.

Companies use practical AI tech like ChatGPT in a variety of ways to enhance their customer service, improve user experiences, and automate certain tasks–saving time and resources for content creation, and leaving the creativity and innovation to talented workforce members. The use of AI in programs like ChatGPT actually fosters a work environment where employees can devote more time to honing their personal strengths to build lasting relationships and connections with those in the community.

EDOs can support AI-driven entrepreneurship by investing in AI education and training programs. Entrepreneurship support organizations can provide access to capital and mentorship programs that help entrepreneurs develop AI-based solutions, which in itself is another opportunity for new jobs and industry growth. However, it’s essential to keep in mind the ethical implications of AI, such as data privacy and bias. It is important to ensure that the development and use of AI-based solutions is done in a responsible and productive manner. ChatGPT can perform tedious tasks with great results, but ask it to write a story and it is easy to see the formula underneath. In other words, AI certainly lacks the humanity needed for emotional, meaningful storytelling.


Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that enables secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. It’s most commonly known as the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but its potential applications extend beyond finance.

For entrepreneurs, blockchain presents a unique opportunity to create decentralized solutions that can disrupt traditional industries. Blockchain technology can assist entrepreneurs in intellectual property management by providing a secure and tamper-proof record of intellectual property rights, enabling entrepreneurs to protect their creations and inventions from infringement. Another of the most significant potential applications of blockchain for entrepreneurship is in supply chain management. Blockchain can be used to facilitate secure supply chain systems that track products from the source to the end consumer. This technology can be used to prevent fraud, reduce waste, and ensure ethical practices.

EDOs can implement the use of blockchain to further their own efforts to create a healthy cycle of economic growth and keep the entrepreneurial ecosystem vibrant. Blockchain technology can be used to create new financial products and services that are more accessible and affordable than traditional options. For instance, blockchain-based lending platforms can provide access to capital for individuals and small businesses who may not qualify for traditional loans.

Internet of Things

IoT refers to the connection of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other items to the internet, allowing them to collect and exchange data. This technology is transforming industries by providing real-time data that enables businesses to make better decisions and improve their operations. For entrepreneurs, the IoT presents numerous opportunities to improve productivity and efficiency. For instance, IoT sensors can be used to track inventory levels, monitor energy usage, or track the location of assets. This data can help entrepreneurs optimize their operations and reduce costs.

The IoT also enables entrepreneurs to create innovative new products and services that leverage the power of connected devices. These products and services have the potential to disrupt industries and create new jobs and economic opportunities. IoT devices can be used to create smart homes, wearable technology, or autonomous vehicles. The practical uses of IoT are limitless as the tech advances. Imagine the forecast calls for a sudden drop in temperature, but you’re out of town (hopefully on vacation somewhere warm). Use your phone to turn on the heater and there you have it, a toasty home to return to. This is just one of many practical uses the Internet of Things is capable of achieving.

Economic development organizations can play a critical role in fostering the growth of IoT-driven entrepreneurship. They can advocate for investment in infrastructure, such as high-speed internet and smart cities, that enable the deployment of IoT devices (and the expansion of tech-enabled city hubs). Entrepreneurship support organizations can offer access to coworking spaces and business incubators that help to create a conducive environment for technology-driven entrepreneurship. They can also provide access to capital and mentorship programs that help entrepreneurs familiarize themselves with and develop IoT-based products and services. The IoT is a game-changing technology–perhaps one of the most important technologies of the 21st century–that presents exciting new opportunities for entrepreneurs and holds significant promise for economic growth.


Technology has undoubtedly changed and will continue to change the scope of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs and others within the ecosystem must consistently adapt to these changes to meet goals and further economic growth. As technologies like AI, blockchain, and the IoT continue to evolve and mature, they will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in the world of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs and EDOs can contribute to ELED efforts by building an ecosystem that creates and supports leaders in the technology industry, ensuring a virtuous cycle of innovation, growth, and economic development in the communities of today and tomorrow.

About EIC

At Economic Impact Catalyst, our mission is to activate a world where there is equitable and inclusive access to entrepreneurship. We believe that entrepreneurship is the key to equitable and inclusive economic development. Our team’s main focus every day is to make it easier for founders to launch businesses in order to create wealth for themselves, for their teams, and for their communities. To learn more about our technology and market research solutions, built exclusively to catalyze entrepreneurship-led economic development efforts, book a call with us today.