Women’s History Month: Focus on Subha Arulselvam, EIC’s Director of IT

Economic Impact Catalyst takes great pride in ensuring that our employees have the ability and freedom to do what they love while working toward a bigger cause. This blog post centers around a conversation between Subha Arulselvam, Director of IT at EIC, and Ramya Tirumala, Marketing Associate at EIC, in honor of Women’s History Month.

“I believe that the ability to give people the tools and guidance that are necessary to achieve their personal goals or career goals is achievable through EIC. It is through this that their dreams are made possible for people around the country and internationally” – Subha Arulselvam

Subha’s Experience

Subha Arulselvam, the Director of Information Technology at Economic Impact Catalyst, has worked at EIC for around 3 years. She was introduced to the company after having a background in many different areas, but finally switched into a focus on economic and entrepreneurship development as she felt it aligned with her goals. Her tasks include taking charge of releases and deployment. She takes part in every single step in the software development cycle.

The Importance of Personal Values in Connection with Company Culture

Subha believes in the importance of helping lift others up in her position, and her personal values align greatly with those of Economic Impact Catalyst. She believes that her passion and drive to succeed are two aspects that fuel her work here. Her value system allows her to be confident, and enables her to act responsibly to get things done. Curiosity is one of the biggest cultural values of those who work here, and this curiosity is brought to the table for Subha every day.

Women’s History Month is a Year-Round Celebration

Women’s History Month is an important month to celebrate the women in history who have discovered significant things and gone after their goals and dreams without fear of anything holding them back. Subha recognized the efforts of Marie Curie, the Polish-French physicist who discovered life-changing aspects about radioactivity, after “so many attempts,” as Subha said.

Subha also noted that women’s history should be celebrated every month, not just in March. Her strong inspiration from Marie Curie shows that women should be celebrated always as their impact does not go unnoticed. “It’s not easy to balance work and personal life at the same time,” stated Subha. Marie Curie was able to complete her goals while also raising her two children Irène and Ève. She also stated Marie Curie’s efforts created an “inspiring story for me to pursue what I want to do despite [the] goals and challenges in every day life.” Curie was able to visualize what she had wanted to complete and bring that into reality. Subha does the same thing in her own daily life by uplifting others through her position.

Subha herself has needed to attend to her family while also making time for work, and EIC is beyond understanding of this. If there is a necessity to get to in one’s personal life, EIC as an employer will ensure that the employee has all needs met before continuing to work.

Facing Challenges in Everyday Life and Tackling Them

In her work, Subha believes in applying the most accurate practices to keep the platform and software running smoothly. Despite what challenges and other obstacles come about daily, Subha recognizes the need to bring her best. For example, there could be trouble with accessing a user’s account. Subha keeps in touch with all leads so that whenever issues like this happen, they are tackled as soon as they are brought up. Especially when it comes to the job, she knows how important it is to ensure that technology issues with the platform are addressed as soon as possible. Subha spoke about how the platform has been running spectacularly lately, which is most important for clients as it ensures that they have an efficient and outstanding experience. This also translates into success in other areas of the business as well, including product and client experience.

The Celebration of Women’s History Continues

All in all, Subha Arulselvam is just one of the many female leaders we have on our team who understands the importance of working towards goals and dreams. She does not let anything hold her back, and has been able to be where she is now by ensuring that she works hard for what she wants. She allows her inspiration from women like Marie Curie to ignite her passion in her work. Despite having to deal with the every day challenges of life and juggling work / life balance, Subha has been able to develop herself both professionally and personally through EIC. Subha’s final remarks include that women’s history “should be celebrated every day, especially with remembering those who have done great things in history where there were not as many opportunities, as this will inspire us to do more.

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